Friday, December 01, 2006

Netlibrary ebook for December

Every month, Netlibrary gives us free access to one of their ebooks for that month. This month it's Wagnerian opera--useful for interpreting the movie Apocalypse Now, I suppose. (That's my favorite part of the movie--rent it if you don't know what I'm talking about!)

December eBook of the Month:
The New Grove Guide to Wagner and His Operas
By Barry Millington
Oxford University Press, 2006

The December eBook of the Month profiles the life and the work of one of the most controversial figures in the history of ideas as well as music. Drawing upon the scholarship of The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, the most comprehensive dictionary of opera in the world, The New Grove Guide to Wagner and His Operas offers a concise survey and guide, providing both seasoned Wagner-lovers and neophytes with all they require for an in-depth appreciation of Wagner.

Author Barry Millington has completely updated the original pieces and contributed four new chapters on Wagner, including a summary of Wagner productions from 1876 to the present day, a suggested listening and viewing guide, complete chronology of Wagner's operas, and a glossary of terms that will delight any opera-goer. In addition, there are detailed entries on each of Wagner's operas, a main biographical section, and a group of separate articles on such topics as Leitmotif and Gesamtkunstwerk, as well as a newly revised updated article on Bayreuth.

Tina Lau, North County Librarian
(in Netlibrary)

Culinary Arts changes for Spring semester

If you are planning on taking any culinary arts classes this Spring, be aware that the Spring printed schedule is incorrect. Here are the correct fees:

Materials fee changes for Culinary Arts Spring 2007

"R" CULART 10 (4324) $150.00

"R" CULART 20 (4325) $90.00

"R" CULART 25 (5142) $45.00

"R" CULART 30 (4326) $135.00

"R" CULART 35 (4327) $50.00

"R" CULART 40 (5145) $60.00

"R" CULART 43 (5147) $45.00

"R" CULART 45 (4328) $55.00

"R" CULART 49 (4329) $60.00

Tina Lau, North County Librarian
(in Cuesta news)