Format Citations in EBSCO Databases
2. Choose "Industry Citation Format" and specify the format desired.
One BIG CAUTION: Your citation will look much more like MLA or APA style, but still will need some work. Here's an example:
Ebsco-generated MLA citation
"VAW A BLOW TO AIDS." Herizons 20.3 (2007): 10-10. MasterFILE Premier. 14 November 2006.
Should be
"VAW a Blow To AIDS." Herizons 20.3 (2007): 10. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Cuesta Coll. Lib., San Luis Obispo, CA. 14 Nov. 2006
[Thanks to the Gutman Library blog, Philadelphia University, for alerting me to this new service.]
Tina Lau, North County Librarian
(in Research Help)