Tuesday, November 14, 2006

MLA formatting help for library databases

Format Citations in EBSCO Databases

Cuesta College Library's Ebsco databases now have the ability to format article citations in MLA, APA and other significant formats. How does it work? First, just add any citation to the "folder" (click on icon to right of article information). When you are ready to compile and produce the citations click on the main folder icon at the top of the records list. Then choose to email, print or download the records (see screenshot below). On the next screen click the radio button for "industry citation format" and choose a format style from the dropbox (see screenshot below). That's it. You can perform a similar function in all ProQuest databases.


2. Choose "Industry Citation Format" and specify the format desired.

One BIG CAUTION: Your citation will look much more like MLA or APA style, but still will need some work. Here's an example:

Ebsco-generated MLA citation
"VAW A BLOW TO AIDS." Herizons 20.3 (2007): 10-10. MasterFILE Premier. 14 November 2006. http://search.ebscohost.com.

Should be
"VAW a Blow To AIDS." Herizons 20.3 (2007): 10. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Cuesta Coll. Lib., San Luis Obispo, CA. 14 Nov. 2006 .

[Thanks to the Gutman Library blog, Philadelphia University, for alerting me to this new service.]

Tina Lau, North County Librarian
(in Research Help)

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