Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Welcome Back! (or just Welcome!)/New Library Building

The semester has just started up, and Cuesta has some changes. There are about 40 new part-time instructors this semester, so you may have one of them. The library building on the San Luis campus has most of its walls up. I haven't heard the latest on when the building should be finished, but first everything will be moved from the older half of the building to the newer half. Once the older half of the building is renovated (bye-bye ugly carpet!), stuff will be moved from the newer half to the older refurbished half. The San Luis librarians are looking forward to an updating of their dowdy old building.

Have a great semester! Don't forget to stop in the library for help on research. Most of the librarians don't bite---

Tina Lau, North County Librarian
(in Library insider)

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